Herbal Extracts

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Herbal Extracts

Leading manufacturer and wholesaler of herbal extracts of optimum quality. We also provides essential & medicinal oils as well as pure herbal extracts.

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Aloe Vera Extract

Specification : 200:1, NLT 25% Polysaccharides

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Amla Extract

Specification : Upto 45% Total Hydrolyzable Tannins by Titration, Upto 45% Polyphenols by UV

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Andrographis Paniculata Extract

Specification :10%, 50%, Andrographaloids by HPLC

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Ashwagandha Extract

Specification :Upto 2.5% Withanoloides by HPLC, Upto 8% Withanoloides by Gravimetery

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Asthaxanthin Powder & Oil Extract

Specification :2-5% (Powder) 5-10% (Oil)

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Bacopa Extract

Specification :45% Saponins by HPLC

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Bamboo Extract

Specification :Upto 75% Silica

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Banaba Extract

Specification :1%, 2% Corsolic Acid by HPLC

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Beta-Carotene Extract

Specification :Upto 4% by HPLC

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Bitter Melon Extract(Momordica Charantia)

Specification :3%, 10%, 12% Bitters by Gravimetery

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Ginger Extract

Specification :5%, 10% Gingerols by HPLC

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Green Tea Extract

Specification :Upto 50% Epigallocatechin Gallate (EGCG) by HPLC Upto 95% total Polyphenols by UV

Standarized Extract Specification
Aegle Marmelos Extract (Bael) Upto 10% Tannins
Aloe Vera Extract 200:1, NLT 25% Polysaccharides
Amla Extract Upto 45% Total Hydrolyzable Tannins by Titration, Upto 45% Polyphenols by UV
Andrographis Paniculata Extract 10%, 50%, Andrographaloids by HPLC
Andrographis Paniculata Extract Upto 50% Andrographaloids by HPLC
Arjuna Extract 10%, 20% Tannins by Titration. 0.5% Arjunolic Acids
Ashwagandha Extract Upto 2.5% Withanoloides by HPLC, Upto 8% Withanoloides by Gravimetery
Asthaxanthin Powder & Oil Extract 2-5% (Powder) 5-10% (Oil)
Bacopa Extract 45% Saponins by HPLC
Bamboo Extract Upto 75% Silica
Banaba Extract 1%, 2% Corsolic Acid by HPLC
Bauhinia Purpurea Extract (Purple Orchid) 20% Tannins by Titration
Beta-Carotene Extract Upto 4% by HPLC
Bilberry Extract Powder 25% Anthocyanidins
Bitter Melon Extract (Momordica Charantia) 3%, 10%, 12% Bitters by Gravimetery 0.5%-1% Charantin by HPLC
Black Pepper Extract 2%, 95% Piperine by HPLC
Black Tea Extract Powder Upto 30% Polyphenols by UV
Blueberry Extract Powder Upto 36% Anthocyanidins UV/HPLC
Boerhaavia Diffusa Extract 2%, 10% Bitters by Gravimetry+ive for Alkoloids
Boswellia Extract Upto 95% Boswellic Acids by Titration, Upto 45% Beta Boswellic Acids by HPLC, 30% AKBBA by HPLC
Bromalein Extract 1200, 2400, 2500 GDU
Cocoa Theobromine Extract Powder 10% Theobromine by HPLC
Caffeine Extract Upto 97% by HPLC
Cantaloupe Extract Powder 10:1
Caralluma Fimbriata Upto 20% Pregnane Giycosides by HPLC 10%, 20%, 40% Glycosidic Saponins by Gravimetry
Carica Papaya Extract 90% Papain, 2% Polyphenols
Centellia Asiatica (Gotu Kola)Extract Upto 20% Triterpenes/ Asiatocosides
Cinnamon Extract Powder Upto 20% Polyphenols by UV
Cissus Extract Upto 40%  Total Ketosteroids by Gravimetry, 20% Total Ketosteroids by UV, 5%-3 Keto by Gravimetry
Coleus Extract Upto 20% Forskolin by HLPC
Cranberry Extract Powder Upto 36% Anthocyanidins UV/ HPLC
Curcumin Extract Upto 20% CWD, Upto 95% Total Curcuminoids by HPLC
Deglycyrrhizinated Licorice Extract (DGL) NMT 3% Glycyrrhizin by Gravimetry, 1% Flavanoids by Gravimetry
Evolvulus Alsinoides Extract(Shankhpushpi) 2.5% Alkoloids
Fennel Extract 10:1
Fennugreek Extract Upto 60% Steroidal saponins by Gravimetry, 30% DIOSGENIN HPLC
Garcinia Extract All grades of Garcinia by HPLC Calcium Salts upto 70%, HCA, Potassium salts (water soluble) upto 50% HCA, Combined Ca/K Salts (water soluble) with 60% HCA, Magnesium Salt (water soluble) upto 60% HCA, Combined Ca/K/Mg Salts (water soluble) upto 70% HCA
Garlic Extract 1% Allicin
Ginger Extract 5%, 10% Gingerols by HPLC
Ginkgo Biloba Extract Flavoglycosides 24% & Terpene Lactones 6%
Green Coffee Bean Extract Upto 60% Total Chlorogenic Acids HPLC, Upto 55% Polyphenols by UV, Caffeine less 2%, 5% by HPLC, Orac Hydro value above 6000, 7000 µmol TE/gm.
Green Tea Extract Upto 50% Epigallocatechin Gallate (EGCG) by HPLC Upto 95% total Polyphenols by UV
Griffonia Extract (5 HTP) Upto 99% by HPLC
Guava Extract Upto 30% Polyphenols
Guggul Extract 2.5% Guggulsterones after HPLC, 10% Guggulipids by Gravimetry UV
Gymnema Extract Upto 75% Gymnemic Acids by Gravimetry, 25% Gymnemagenin HPLC
Hemidesmus Indicus Extract(Sarasparilla) 10% Saponins
Holy Basil Extract(Tulsi) 2.5% Ursolic Acid by HPLC 10%, 20% Tannins by Titration
Lemon Balm Extract Powder 3% Rosemarinic Acid
Marigold-Lutein Beadlets
Ester Oil
Ester Powder
Extract Powder
Free Oil
20% by HPLC
10% and 20%
10% and 20%
Upto 80% by HPLC
Upto 40% by HPLC, Upto 10% CWD, Upto 10% CWS
Moringa Extract Upto 60% protein, 10% Saponin, 10:1 Extract
Mucuna Pruriens Extract Upto 50% L-dopa by HPLC
Myristic Fragrans Extract (Nutmeg) 5:1 Extract
Nagarmotha Extract 0.15% to 0.60% Alkaloids
Natural Beta-Carotene Oil & Powder Extract 1% CWS, 10%, 20%, 30%
Natural Caffeine Powder Extract Upto 99% Caffeine by HPLC
Neem Extract Upto 7.5% Bitters
Noni Extract Upto 30% Polysaccharides, 20%, 40% Saponins by Gravimetry
Olive Leaf Extract Powder Extract 20% Oleuropein by HPLC
Phyllanthus Amarus/ Niruri Extract 2%, 10% Bitters by Gravimetry, 5% Corilagin HPLC
Pomegranate Extract 45% Ellagic Acid by UV 20%, 60% Polyphenols by UV
Red Clover Extract Powder Upto 40% Isoflavones by HPLC
Rhodiola Rosea Extract Powder Rosavin (Rosarin, Rosavin, Rosin)1%-5%, Salidrosides 1% ᷉3%, Total Rosavins 7%
Rosemary Extract Powder 5% Rosmarinic Acid
Safed Musli Extract 20%, 50%, 70% Saponins by Gravimetry
Saw Palmetto Extract and Oil 25%- 45%, Total Fatty Acid 25%-45%
Senna Extract Upto 60% Sennosides by HPLC/ USP/ BP/EP
Shatavari Extract 25%, 50% Saponins by Gravimetry
Shilajit Extract Upto 20% Fulvic Acid by Gravimetry
Sophora Japonica Extract 10:1 extracted with water as solvent, 95% by UV
Stevia Extract Powder Upto 80% Steviol Glycosides
Terminalia Bellerica Extract (Baheda) Upto 25% Tannins
Terminalia Chebula Extract (Harde) Upto 40% Tannins
Tinospora Cordifolia Extract (Guduchi) 2.5%, 5% Bitter by Gravimetry
Triphala Extract Upto 45% Tannins
Vijaysar Extract(Pterocarpus Marsupium) 5% Pterostibene
Zeaxanthin Extract Upto 80%